Bullseye Awards

Congratulations to our top 22 semi-finalists in the "In-Person" (due to tied # of votes) & our top 20 Semi-finalists in the "At-Home" Experiences categories. The vote count for the semi-finalists will all be reset to zero for this round. Voting for this round will be from Dec 16th–23th. The Top 10* finalists will move on to the finalist round.
Here are the dates & rules:
One person can only vote for one game per day from the same company. You're allowed to vote for a different game from a different company on the same day if you like to support more than one company but do not duplicate votes of various games for the same company. (Don't use the same name with a different email or vice versa. Our system will rule it out). Just drag down to the game you like to vote for on the form and hit submit.
The email account used must be valid (we’ll validate it after voting). Any bounced-back emails will be eliminated.
*If there's a tie in the votes, both games will move on to the next round.
We’ll update the results daily as votes come in. There will be no updates on the day prior to the end of the round in each round as we count up the votes and validate the voter.
Anyone who participated in submitting a vote will automatically be entered into the raffle where you’ll get a chance to win some awesome prizes at our ceremony! So vote each day to increase your chances!