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Rusty Lake - "Rusty Lake Roots"

Updated: Apr 24

Photo above is property of Rusty Lake

Company: Rusty Lake

Game: Rusty Lake Roots

Country: Netherlands 🇳🇱

Language: English

Type of Game: Video Escape Game 📱

Genre: Supernatural

Date Played: November 28, 2021

Difficulty (based on 1 player): 5/10

Price: $2.99 (available for purchase & download - Google Play, Apple App Store, Stream,


James Vanderboom’s uncle has passed away under some mysterious circumstances and, as his only heir, has inherited the house. Unknowingly, his family’s past holds some dark secrets and moving into the house will change his life and generations to come.

Video above is property of Rusty Lake


If you have played other Rusty Lake games, the artwork, look, and feel is fairly similar. It has a slight creepy, offbeat feel with great music and effects that add so much to the game.

Photo above is property of Rusty Lake


Through 33+ chapters, you are taken through the story of the Vanderbooms, a name that plays a pivotal part in the Rusty Lake lore. Each chapter is fairly short but as you play through each of them, a new reveal or twist is added to the story. Since there is so much story, this is one of the longer Rusty Lake games so you get far more than what you are paying for including music and voice over. If you are familiar with any of the other Rusty Lake games, the game play is the same. You will have a point-n-click environment where you can collect items and use them to progress the story.

Rusty Lake games usually set up achievements to give some replay-ability to their games but outside of the standard Steam achievements, Roots also has an epilogue to the game. After finishing the regular game play, hidden puzzles are revealed that you will have to find and solve through the game which will then unveil the final piece to the story. Make sure to do it!.

Photos above are property of Rusty Lake


The bulk of the puzzles are finding items and trying to determine how to use them, but they do a nice job sprinkling in some different variety of other puzzles from logic to recognition puzzles. The puzzles also have a great mix of difficulty as some I was able to complete right away with a few that would make me try out different combinations of things to understand what needed to be done. Rusty Lake is very creative in implementing puzzles that match the story and theme as well. There were a few puzzles I had some difficulty with, mostly because I was not sure what they wanted me to do so I did have to look online for a few hints.


This is by far my favorite game and most interesting in the series. The story will take you on a grim journey with so many “What just happened?!” moments along the way. The puzzles were just the right amount of simplicity with a mix of ones that would having you working for a while to solve. You will also learn the origin of some of your favorite characters who appear in other Rusty Lake games as well as if you are a Rusty Lake fanatic, this story is pivotal in the whole of the Rusty Lake mythos. If you are fan of Rusty Lake (or looking to dive in), this is an absolute must play.


(If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from "ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

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