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Solve Our Shirts (By CU Adventures in Time & Space) - "Escape from the Maze of the Minotaur"

Updated: Apr 30

Photo above is property of Solve Our Shirts (By CU Adventures in Time & Space)

Company: Solve Our Shirts (By CU Adventures in Time & Space)

Game: Escape from the Maze of the Minotaur

Country: USA 🇺🇸

Language: English

Type of Game: Tabletop Games 📬

Genre: Adventure

Date Played: 3/9/2021

Difficulty (based on 2 players): 6/10

Size of Team: Unlimited (Suggested 1-2 ppl)

Time: Unlimited (Suggested 60-90 Minutes), (Deluxe version adds another 15-30min of playtime)

Price: $35-$50 (All Colors) / $50-$60 (Deluxe Edition: All Colors) / $60-$65 (Couple's Pack - Teal) / $90-$95 (Deluxe Couple's Edition - Teal)


You have just returned from a vacation in Greece. You are still thinking about that roadside attraction that claimed to be a maze to the real labyrinth of King Minos. When you opened your souvenirs, you realized that there's a maze just like it on the T-shirt you purchased. Strangely, you began to drift into a dream. Hopefully you'll be able to wake up soon...


"Solve Our Shirts" came in a cardboard box. Each T-shirt was separately packaged in a sealed plastic bag. The paper clues and 2 sealed envelopes were all in a small yellow manila envelope. If you ordered the deluxe version, you'll also receive a padded enveloped that says "Deluxe Souvenirs" on it. We tried the T-shirts on after the game. They were quite soft and stretchy. If you felt like you've put on some pandemic weight, I would suggest ordering one size larger than your normal size.

Photos above are property of Solve Our Shirts (By CU Adventures in Time & Space)


Make sure you read their instruction sheet first. There are three important instructions that you must follow: 1. Don't wear the T-shirt while solving the puzzles unless you want to try this the "challenging" way 2. Don't wash the T-shirt before playing the game 3. Don't open the Greek letter envelopes until instructed to do so.

Once you read the postcard with the backstory, go on their website portal to start the game. Right away, the mythical themed music pulled us into a dream state. It felt like a "choose your own adventure" game. Once we "stepped" into the maze, we had to use clues on the T-shirts to unlock various doors and locks. The interface was very easy to use but we are also quite familiar with it already from the two previous games. What I loved about this interface was that it really acted like an inventory bag for us. It reminded us on what items have been used and solved and what still remained to be seen. The nudging hint system was quite easy to use as well. It was concealed really well. You had to confirm that you really wanted a clue before the system would show it to you.

If you wanted to play a harder version of the game, you probably wouldn't want to use the "The Secrets of the Labyrinth's Guide". The guide doesn't give away too much of what you would need to solve but you'll realize some clues more easily by reading them.

We solved the basic game and then went back to solve the deluxe puzzle but technically you could solve the deluxe pack anytime during the game play. It's an entirely separate puzzle set.

Photos above are property of Solve Our Shirts (By CU Adventures in Time & Space)


One thing we love about CU Adventure's puzzle design is that there's always going to be an element of surprise. You never know what you'll get. "Solve Our Shirts" was full of hidden secrets and "wow" moments. EVERYTHING we received (minus the intro letter which stated that we won't find any clues on there) were utilized. There were no red herrings and every puzzle was creative yet logical. There were many moments when we doubted our thought processes and said to each: "Could it be? No way..."

Do you have that moment when you finished a really good escape room and you wanted more? Well the deluxe puzzles came to the rescue exactly at the right moment. We were still hungry for maybe just a few more puzzles and the deluxe pack was like the icing on the cake. When we finally finished those bonus puzzles and claimed our well deserved souvenirs (really cool prop piece by the way!), I was ready to do a "happy baby" yoga pose.


"Solve Our Shirts" was like playing a live escape room but from the comfort of your home. Just like an escape room, you'll need to look for clues (very carefully), compile information and use what you've found to open locks and doors. You can tell the creators are enthusiasts as our thought process aligned perfectly on how to solve these puzzles. The puzzles were designed with just the right amount of difficulty where you could discover the "magical" moments yourself. This was such a fun game. But you know what's even cooler? You'll probably become the center of the attention amongst your friends from now on. Why? Because who has a T-shirt full of puzzles?

Photos above are property of ESCAPETHEROOMers


Check out our interview with the creators to understand more on the development side of these game (Coming Soon):

(If you do decide to try this game, give us a shoutout or tag us on social media so we know you heard it from "ESCAPETHEROOMers"!)

Disclosure: We thank Solve Our Shirts (By CU Adventures in Time & Space) for providing us with a sample of this game. Although complimentary experience was generously provided, it does not impact our opinion on the review whatsoever.


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